At the Townships Young Voices Awards Gala on April 28 were emcees Ross Murray, Arabella Macaulay-Fishman, and Ana Martinez, and 15 of the 21 finalists. CREDIT: Marie Moliner






Townships Young Voices 2024 Winners by Category


  1. Johnny Beauvais, 16, Cowansville: Remember To Live

  2. Brooklynn Beaudoin Driscoll, 17, Lennoxville: Remember

  3. Ruohan Wallis, 18, Brompton: Call Me Back

  4. Emry-Waven A. Côté, 12, Magog: Excerpt from a novel-in-creation called “Nhako’s Quest”

  5. Sofia Thibault, 11, Sherbrooke: …The Fear…


  1. Avigaelle Court, 12, Compton: A Glimpse of the Past

  2. Lily Martire, 15, Barnston West: Home is Where the Heart is, and My Heart is in Nature

  3. Ruth Michelle Tanguep Youmbi, 21, Sherbrooke: Unbroken

  4. Allen Liu, 18, Stanstead: Home


  1. Brooklynn Beaudoin Driscoll, 17, Lennoxville: Grief

  2. Priscilla Allatt, 20, Canton de Hatley: Home: My Massawippi Lake

  3. Myranda Forest, 17, Richmond: Untitled

  4. Connor Stephens, 23, Sherbrooke: An Open Letter to the Up and Coming 20-Somethings


  1. Abigail Champs (CréAbi), 12, Orford: Lake – 4 Seasons

  2. Ruohan Wallis, 18, St-Denis-de-Brompton: The Setting Fire

  3. Leea Rebeca Ruta, 23, Sherbrooke: Lake Massawippi

  4. Béatrice Piché, 22, Sherbrooke: Study of a Snowy Night


  1. Émilie D’Astous, 21, Sher

  2. brooke: Expensive Darkness

  3. Justace Wark, 17, Sherbrooke: Untitled

  4. Diana Callaway, 22 years old, Ogden: Through Whitewater



–Featured Image: At the Townships Young Voices Awards Gala on April 28 were emcees Ross Murray, Arabella Macaulay-Fishman, and Ana Martinez, and 15 of the 21 finalists. CREDIT: Marie Moliner

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