Get creative with Townships Young Voices!

The TYVoices project is dedicated to encouraging Youth to publicize their creative passions …
and become more involved with the Townships Sun magazine!

Participants have the option to submit their works in the following categories: Fiction writing,
Nonfiction writing, Art, Photography, and Poetry. And like the previous year, there will be awards
for the lucky participants who place in the top three in each category! Prizes include publication
in the Townships Sun.

Join us at our launch on Friday, September 27, at 5 p.m., 3355 College St., Lennoxville, just
before the Townships Sun’s AGM!

The amazing team organizing the project this year includes Ana Martinez who is now studying
at the U of Toronto, having acted as a team member for the TYVoices' second edition while
studying at BCS. She has created the TYVoices Entry Form.

Arabella MacFish and Lily Martire will be theTYVoices Team Leads for BCS.

Dan Kirchin joins us this year as a volunteer fundraiser: Dan is 23 and moved here recently from
the UK. He says “I am passionate about all things culture, writing, and the arts. I’m super excited
to start volunteering with TYVoices by helping to fundraise for an event I feel a great connection to.”

Léa Côté is the 2024/2025 TYV Coordinator, and a current student at Bishop’s University. She is
in her graduating year and majoring in English Film/Media, with a minor in Communications and
Digital Culture. Léa has a huge passion for video editing, having been student videographer
during the first TYVoices project in 2023, and having edited many videos for the TYV Youtube

Marie Moliner volunteers as assistant editor for the Townships Sun and is the TYVoices Board
liaison. She grew up near Lake Massawippi, and after four decades in Toronto, she returned to
the Eastern Townships, her idea of paradise.

Rachel Garber is Editor of the Townships Sun. She has a passion for photography, art and
writing. Garber has lived 28 years in Maple Leaf, in the Haut-Saint-François.

Xania Keane is a TYV Communications Agent and leads the 2024 social media as well other
digital projects for the TYV. She makes videos, tap dances and creates art!

For the second year, English-speaking Townships elementary and high schools will be invited to
create TYVoices Teams. Currently, two former TYVoices winners, Arabella MacFish and Lily
Martire, are working together to head up the TYVoices team at Bishop’s College School. They
are hoping to attract a number of new contestants from their student body and look forward to
working as a group to improve their schoolmates’ submissions! They also hope to encourage
other schools to create TYVoices Teams. The school that submits the most entries wins a prize.
Last year this prize was split between home-schooled students and the Saint-Francis
Elementary School in Richmond.

The team behind this year’s Townships Young Voices is excited to see what creative works the
youth have in store, and welcome both newcomers and participants of last year to submit their
works again.

The TYVoices submission guidelines and form are right here, at
Young-Voices. Visit this blog space often to see any new developments or tips!

And join us for the launch, Friday, September 27, at 5 p.m. at 3355 College St., Lennoxville, just
before the Townships Sun’s AGM!

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